Calling for Council Award Nominations

The Council Advancement Committee is seeking nominations for the following awards for distinguished leadership and service: including the Silver Beaver Award, Whitney M. Young, Jr. Service Award, William H. Spurgeon, III Exploring Award, Venturing Leadership Award, and Sea Scout Leadership Award. Nominations are due December 15th. Please consider nominating your Scout leaders, volunteers, and friends in recognition for their service in Scouting in the Jayhawk Area Council. A brief description for each award and a link to each nominating form is provided below:

Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council‐level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America.  Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council.

Silver Beaver Nomination Form

Current listing of Jayhawk Area Council’s Silver Beaver Recipients

Whitney M. Young, Jr. Service Award

The Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award recognizes outstanding service by an adult or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds.

Whitney Young Award nomination form

William H. Spurgeon, III Exploring Award

The council may present the Spurgeon Award to men and women who have rendered outstanding leadership to the Exploring program either as an Explorer post adult leader or as a district Exploring adult volunteer. 

Spurgeon Award nomination form

Venturing Leadership Award

The Venturing Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership and involvement by a youth or adult in a Venturing Crew (youth must be between 14 and 21). Must be a primary member in the Jayhawk Area Council and have contributed significantly to their unit and community.

Venturing Award nomination form

Sea Scout Leadership Award

The Sea Scout Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership and involvement by a youth or adult in a Sea Scout or Sea Scouter for at least one year. Must be a primary member in the Jayhawk Area Council and have contributed significantly to their unit and community.

Sea Scout Award nomination form

Please submit your nomination by:

1. Hand them to your District Executive or Advancement Chair.

2. E-mail to

3. Mail to: Jayhawk Area Council
                 ATTN:  (Please Name Award) Selection Committee
                 1020 SE Monroe Ave.
                 Topeka, KS 66612

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Scouting Adventures