Develop Leadership through National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
NYLT is the premier youth leadership training course for Scouts BSA and Venture youth leaders. It provides the skills that youth leaders need to be successful in their Scouting roles and in life. Through the Scouting method, skills such as communicating, developing a team, applying leadership, and much more are learned and applied!
The National Youth Leadership Training course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what they must KNOW, and what they must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.
NYLT is a six-day course. Content is delivered in a Troop and Patrol team outdoor setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment. Interconnecting concepts and work processes are introduced early, built upon, and aided by the use of mnemonics (memory aids), which allows participants to understand and employ the leadership skills much faster.
Requirements to Attend:
- Scouts BSA - Must be at least 13 years old, at least First Class rank, and complete Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.
- Venturers & Sea Scouts - Must be 14 (or 13 and have completed the 8th grade) and complete Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships. It is recommended that Venturers or Sea Scouts have had at least one year of camping experience.
- All Scouts must have a current Scouting Health Form parts A, B, & C.
2025 Key Contacts
Please email all three contacts below with your questions.
Josh Evans | SM Troop B
Lucky Hoang | SM Troop G
Dan Wadley | Program Director
Scholarship Infomation
The Dudley Havens NYLT Scholarship fund was established to help assist Scouts who would like to attend the NYLT Course in Jayhawk Area Council. NYLT is an extremely valuable opportunity to gain leadership experience that Scouts can use in both Scouting and their personal lives. Funds for these scholarships come from the Wood Badge & NYLT Annual Banquet as well as direct contributions from Jayhawk Area Council Scouters.
Signed and completed applications must be submitted by April 1st each year. Applicants will be notified by April 15th on how much they has been awarded towards their registration.
2025 Information
- Course Dates: Sunday May 25 through Friday May 30, 2025
- Scouting America Health Form, Parts A, B, & C
- 2025 NYLT Flyer
- 2024 Participant Letter (Expect 2025 Update by March 8)
- 2024 Parent Letter (Expect 2025 Update by March 8)
- Course Code of Conduct (Expect 2025 Update by March 8)
- Cell Phone & Technology Policy (Expect 2025 Update by March 8)
- Equipment Packing List (Expect 2025 Update by March 8)
2025 Fees
The first 28 Scouts to Register for NYLT will be able to register at a rate reduced by $50. After the first 28, additional Scouts will have to pay the full amount on their own. Additionally, 2 Scouts will receive a Scholarship of $200 (meaning Scouts/Families will be responsible for the remaining $80)
- First 28 Scouts to Register (not including Scholarship Recipients): $230 by the Scout + $50 discount
- 2 Scholarship Recipients: $80 by the Scout + $200 covered by scholarship
- Normal Participant Cost: $280
All Scouts must have their Registration paid in full no later than April 25. Any Scouts to register after April 25 must pay the full amount immediately.

The Silver Arrow Award is specific to Jayhawk Area Council. The purposed is to encourage Scouts to use the leadership skills they learned during the course to make an improvement to their unit. After going through the NYLT Course, Scouts should develop and implement a plan in their unit to help improve something about their unit meetings, camp-outs, rank advancement, etc. The Scout should work with the Unit Leader and/or Youth Leadership to implement their idea. After the plan has been implemented, the unit leader can reach out the NYLT Leadership and an NYLT SPL or Course Director will present the Silver Arrow Patch with a Silver Border to the Scout at Court of Honor.
The Silver Arrow Award can also be earned by returning to the NYLT Course as a Staff Member. The new Staffer will be presented the Silver Arrow patch with a Silver Border the night before the course starts so they can wear the patch during the course. If a staff member decides to come back on staff for a second year, they will be presented the Silver Arrow Patch with a Gold Border. This Gold Bordered patch is only given to scouts who staff the course for two years.