The Jayhawk Area Council offers several camp opportunities for your Scout to get outside this summer. Webelos Resident Camp and Cub Scout Resident Camp are held at Camp Delaware on Falley Scout Reservation near Lake Perry. Day Camps are held in each District at public facilities.
Each have a different purpose and format that allows you and your Scouts to choose what works best. You can go to one or all three in a summer. It is up to you!
Countdown to First Resident Camp!
2025 Camp Delaware Registration
Akela Camp
This three day, two night camp session is open to all Cub Scouts. A ratio of two adults to a maximum of eight Scouts and one additional adult for each additional four Scouts or parts thereof is required.
This camp is a great opportunity for all Cub Scouts to experience the great outdoors! Activities include archery, fishing, hiking, BB guns, STEM activities, swimming and handicrafts. This will be a great chance to explore your inner scientist.
Webelos Resident Camp
This five day, four night camp session is open to Webelos and Arrow of Lights ONLY. A ratio of two adults to a maximum of eight Scouts and one additional adult for each additional four Scouts or parts thereof is required.
Advancement will focus on elective Webelos and Arrow of Light pins.
This camp is a great opportunity for the Webelos to get a pre- Scouts BSA experience! They will be able to go visit our Camp Jayhawk side for aquatics at our lake front and Ecology Lodge.
Cub Scout Resident Camp
This four day, three night camp session is open to Tigers (must have adult partner), Wolves, and Bears. A ratio of two adults to a maximum of eight Scouts and one additional adult for each additional four Scouts or parts thereof is required.
The purpose of Cub Scout Resident Camp is to provide an over-night camping experience, have fun, and work on advancement requirements. The daytime program will focus on four Elective Adventures that are best suited to be completed in summer camp setting and will help your Scout in earning their rank award. See leader's guide for the specific Cub Scout Adventures that will be covered. Additional activities at camp may include swimming, geocaching, shooting BBs and archery, games and crafts. The evenings are also full of fun activities you and your Scout can take part in.
Fun with Family
Fun with Family is a two day, one night camping experience is open to all levels of Cub Scouts and their family. This is a great way for you to experience an overnight camping opportunity if Cub Scout or Webelos Resident Camps do not fit your schedule or to just add more time camping.
Fun with Family is designed as an open format, activity based program. Different program areas will be open at selected times but you can pick and choose what activities you with to take part in. There will be no specific advancement classes like Cub Scout or Webelos Resident Camps but certain activities you participate in may cover requirements in a variety of rank achievements.
The purpose of Fun with Family is for you and your family to have an opportunity to experience a fun overnight camping experience.
*The rank level is determined by what grade level you will be starting in August.
- 1st Grade - Tiger
- 2nd Grade - Wolf
- 3rd Grade - Bear
- 4th Grade - Webelos
- 5th Grade - Arrow of Light
Summer Camp Resources
Campership Credit Application
Due April 1st
Units will be notification by April 15th if their Scout has received a campership.