This Camporee is hosted by the Bison District, on April 8-10th, 2022 at Eisenhower State Park. We will be at the 5 Star Campground.
Come and experience seven different games offered at the Camporee.
Offered to Scouts BSA Troops, Venturing Crews, Sea Scout Ships, and Webelos Dens.
Webelos will not be camping at this Camporee due to limited campground space. Webelos are welcome to attend during the day on Saturday, April 9th to enjoy all the highland games.
Contact Event Chairman Brian Wiggans at or 785-506-7245 with any questions.
Please have at Check-in:
BSA Health Form A & B
Unit Form Check-in Sheet
Registration Cost
Participants | Regular | Late |
Scouts | $20 | $25 |
Webelos | $12 | $17 |
Adults | 10 | – |

Wearing of Clan Tartans – What is a clan? A Family. What are Troops? A Scout Family. Some Clans, as well as Troops, express their unity by possession of common emblems or symbolic colors (Class B’s for instance). At our Highland Games, we encourage your Clan/Troop who wear Tartans, whether they are kilts, armbands, t-shirts, Scottish Hats, etc.
Please Bring: Food and drinks for your unit, Bicycle helmets (if you have them) Work gloves Highland Fun Spirit! |
Individual Events: Caber Toss Stone put Atlas stones Archery Team Events: Tug-O-War RBConsumption Sack race Kilt Run Farmers carry | Creation of your unique Kilt/Uniform competition: Use your Highland-themed fabric to create a unique Uniform or your Troop Clan theme. Each member of your Troop should have their theme matching the rest of the Troop. | Flag creation competition: The flag competition requires each clan to create a five-foot pole with a customized flag matching your Clan theme. What has worked in the past for units was to give the flag to a single member of the clan. This then becomes their responsibility and honor to bear the flag for their clan. The flag should measure no more than 3 feet by 2 feet. |
Friday: April 8th, 2022
5:00 PM to 8:45 PM – Registration and Check-in.
9:00 PM – Scoutmaster/Clan Chief Meeting and Potluck Cracker Barrel
11:00 PM – Lights Out
Saturday: April 9, 2022
7:00 AM to 8:30 AM Check-in Webelos/Troop
8:45 AM Opening Ceremony
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon: Highland Games Clan Competition
12:00 noon to 1:00 PM: Lunch bring a Sack Lunch
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM: Highland Game Individual Events
5:15 PM to 7:15 PM: Dinner
6:15 PM: Judging of cast iron chef
7:30 PM: Closing Ceremony
10:30 PM – Lights Out
Sunday: April 10th, 2022
9:00-11:00 AM: Check Out