Council Executive Board
The Jayhawk Area Council Executive Board is elected annually by the Council members at large and Chartered Organization Representatives.
The Executive Board is the governing body of the council territory, empowered by the council body to act in its stead. It takes action to achieve the purposes of the local council. It establishes the council program, carries out resolutions, establishes and enforces policy and hires a Scout Executive, all according to guidelines of the Council Body.
Among its responsibilities are:
- Exercises all powers of the council body between meetings of the council. This does not include authority to change or amend the articles of incorporation.
- Approves the program and plans of various committees.
- Selects and employs a council Scout Executive when a vacancy occurs.
- Approves and administers a budget adequate to achieve the objectives of Scouting.
- Coordinates and supports the work of districts in various phases of Council Program and works to build strong district organizations.
- Raises the dollars necessary to carry out a full Scouting Program in the Council.
Executive Committee
- Council President --Timothy O'Shea - Topeka, KS
- Council Commissioner -- John Gray - Sabetha, KS
- Vice President of Administration -- Marvin Coker - Sabetha, KS
- Vice President of Development --
- Vice President of Membership/Marketing --
- Vice President of Program -- Dan Wentling - Mayetta, KS
- Vice President of Properties -- Mark Rezac - Topeka, KS
- Vice President of Endowment -- Vincent Cox - Topeka, KS
- Council Treasurer -- Robert Faught, Jr. - Topeka, KS
- Legal Counsel -- Trevor Wohlford - Topeka, KS
- Immediate Past President -- Nick Xidis - Topeka, KS
District Chairs
- Bison: Jeff Zeiler - Topeka, KS
- Pony Express: Vacant
- Sojadi: Vacant
- Sunflower: Matt Woodward - Perry, KS
Youth Representation
- Order of the Arrow, Dzie-Hauk Tonga Lodge Chief -- Brenner Pilsl
Council Executive Board
- Brandon Aldridge - Topeka, KS
- Dr. Tiffany Anderson - Topeka, KS
- Reed W. Davis - Topeka, KS
- S. Lucky DeFries - Topeka, KS
- Dr. Brenda Dietrich - Topeka, KS
- Ed Eller - Berryton, KS
- Steve Haught - Emporia, KS
- Jared Holroyd - Topeka, KS
- Tony Konrade - Topeka, KS
- Brad Kraft - Emporia, KS
- Lewis Lenard - Burlington, KS
- Chad Logan - Topeka, KS
- Laura Lutz - Topeka, KS
- Stan Martindell - Topeka, KS
- George Maxwell - Topeka, KS
- Robert Maxwell - Topeka, KS
- Dr. Kent Palmberg - Topeka, KS
- Clint Patty - Topeka, KS
- Kenneth Roemer - Emporia, KS
- Angel Romero - Topeka, KS
- Jared Rudy - Tecumseh, KS
- Aaron Scott - Topeka, KS
- Charles Sexson - Topeka, KS
- Larry Shipman - Topeka ,KS
- Allan Towle - Topeka, KS
- James C Wayman
- Mark Weber - Topeka, KS
Advisory Board
- Roger Aeschliman
- Bruce Bachman
- Richard Crawford
- Dale Cushinberry
- Duane Fager
- Jerry B. Farley, Ph.D.
- Brad Koehn
- Dr. W. Walter Menninger
- John Stauffer
Members at Large
- George Austin - Topeka, KS
- Mark Dechand - Topeka, KS
- Ellen Guthrie - Berryton, KS
- Chaz Havens - Topeka, KS
- Lucky Hoang - Topeka, KS
- John Kotulak - Topeka, KS
- Robert Lane, MD - Topeka, KS
- Matt Riley - Oskaloosa, KS
- John Spain - Tecumseh, KS
- Richard Spielman -
- Alan Spicer - Topeka, KS
- Dan Wadley - Topeka, KS