Jayhawk Area Council Staff
The staff of the Jayhawk Area Council serves to provide the resources needed for parents, volunteer leaders, and chartered organizations to deliver the Scouting program to their units. The council personnel is responsible to the Scout Executive and are the paid employees of the Council. The Scout Executive is hired by the Council Executive Board and is the chief executive officer of the council responsible for the administration, financing, marketing, motivation, recruiting, and staffing required for successful council operations.
Professional Staff
- Scout Executive -- Wayne Pancoast - 785-276-3350
- Development Director -- Kelly Potter -785-276-3341
- Program Director -- Joseph Blasko - 785-276-3346
- Sojadi District Director -- Ian Lamb - 785-276-3345
- Bison District Executive -- Kurt Garner - 785-276-3349
- Sunflower District Executive -- Vacant
- Pony Express District Executive -- Ian Lamb - 785-276-3345
Support Staff
- Program Assistant -- Tara Montgomery - 785-276-3343
- Fundraising Assistant -- Aditya Joshi - 785-276-3344
- Registrar/Accounting -- Cheryl Collins - 785-276-3351
Jayhawk Scout Shop
- Manager -- Larry Glover - 785-354-0291
- Sales Associate -- Ezekiel Hudson - 785-354-0291
Falley Scout Reservation
- Ranger -- Matt Riley - 785-633-2847