Many volunteers across the country have requested information on how to help Scouting in Ukraine. Please see the official statement from the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) below. WOSM recognizes one National Scout Organization per country. For Ukraine, the Member Organization is National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine (NOSU). We encourage all NSOs that any Scouting support is channeled through the mechanisms made available through WOSM. We are aware that many other non-WOSM but Scout-like entities are active in the region, including PLAST. We are not affiliated with organizations in Ukraine besides NOSU. In most cases, the best way to help with the unfolding humanitarian crisis is to make a financial contribution through WOSM or another reputable NGO. To directly support Scouts’ humanitarian relief work in Ukraine and for refugees, you can donate at Representatives on the ground know what is needed and financial contributions help them purchase the most needed and locally-appropriate supplies. For additional and ongoing updates, please visit: Questions? Email |