Online Transfers and Multiples Applications Now Available

In My.Scouting, users can now make transfers between units. Members can now transfer themselves or parent/guardian can transfer their child from one unit to another. Unit leaders also have the ability to transfer youth from their unit to another such as in Arrow of Lights transferring to a Scouts BSA troop. Unit leader transfers are done in the “Roster” tab of Member Manager or Organization Manager. Transfers or multiple registrations for members or youth can be done under Menu > “My Application” tab.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How does the unit I’m transferring to know I transferred? – Standard approval is still required. Youth transfers are approved by unit leaders and Adult transfers are approved by the COR or their designee. The approval is done just like all other approvals with online registrations, through “Application Manager”.

Can I transfer my youth who is Arrow of Light to a Troop not associated with my Pack? Yes, youth can be transferred to any active unit in your council.

Can I transfer people into my unit? – No, only Unit leaders or parent/guardians can transfer youth from their Scout Unit.

Can all adult leaders transfer out of the unit? – No, the Chartered Organization Reps cannot be transferred.

Can other adult leaders transfer an adult? No, adults can only be self-transferred using the “My Application” tab.

Don’t adults need to fill out the application form again? – No, but when an adult transfers, they will need to answer the basic Youth Protection questions again and cannot transfer if their Criminal Background check is not completed.

What are reasons I cannot transfer a youth? 

Only youth in our database with a “parent relationship” can be transferred so a notification can be made. This relationship can be corrected in ScoutNet, contact your scout office to have them make this connection.

Youth that are too young to join a unit will not be able to transfer (such as a Cub Scout joining a Venture Crew).

For detailed instructions and visual aids please CLICK HERE

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Scouting Adventures