The Friends of Scouting (FOS) annual campaign in Emporia will launch on Wednesday, March 12th from 6:45 – 8:00 a.m. at the Clint Bowyer Community Building. The Jayhawk Area Council hosts a community breakfast each year to kick-off the FOS campaign to raise funds to support local Scouting America programs. This event is planned, directed, and conducted by volunteers who are integral to the success of Scouting in the Emporia area. Trey Cocking current Emporia City Manager and Eagle Scout Alumnus will serve as this year’s keynote speaker.
Jayhawk Area Council plans and operates numerous activities and outdoor programs such as summer camp where youth can complete requirements towards their rank advancements, including weekend activities such as overnight experiences and merit badge days along with training events are all part of our year-round offerings. Leadership development, outreach and expansion, assistance to families, and operating the 340-acre camping facility near Lake Perry are integral to our overall operations and provide areas of programs resources for our membership.
Financial support is crucial to providing the facilities, materials, programs, training activities and Scouting leadership for our local area. Community members are invited to attend the breakfast to learn about and support the positive impact Scouting is having on our youth locally. Please RSVP to Ian Lamb by calling (785) 276-3345 if you haven’t already RSVPed with a volunteer. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate, please click here to give online. All contributions stay local.