Where can I find a list of local merit badge counselors?

Where can I find a list of local merit badge counselors? (SB)

Troop, crew and ship leaders can find the list of merit badge counselors on the unit page in Scoutbook. Scoutbook provides a search for merit badge counselors at that location. Your unit need not use Scoutbook to view the list. Log into http://scoutbook.scouting.org with your my.scouting userID and password, click on My Dashboard, Administration, your unit and scroll down the page. A downloadable list is not available at this time.

District and council leaders can find a list of merit badge counselors at this link.

Merit badge counselors can find the badges they are approved to counsel by logging into http://scoutbook.scouting.org (use your my.scouting userID and password to login) and clicking on My Dashboard, My Account, My Positions.

Assigning Scouts to merit badge counselors in Scoutbook

Unit leaders can assign merit badge counselors to Scouts. For information on how to do this, follow this link. Merit badge counselors can also assign a Scout for their counseling in Scoutbook, see this link for information.

Per the BSA Guide to Advancement, Scouts should not have access to a list of merit badge counselors; they should work with their unit leader for a recommendation of a merit badge counselor to work with.

The BSA merit badge process is as follows:

  1. The Scout develops an interest in a merit badge and may begin working on the requirements.
  2. The Scout and unit leader discuss the Scout’s interest in the merit badge.
  3. The unit leader signs a blue card and provides the Scout with at least one counselor contact.
  4. The Scout contacts the counselor.
  5. The counselor considers any work toward requirements completed prior to the initial discussion with the unit leader.
  6. The Scout, the Scout’s buddy, and the counselor meet (often several times).
  7. The Scout finishes the requirements.
  8. The counselor approves completion.
  9. The Scout returns the signed blue card to the unit leader, who signs the applicant record section of the blue card.
  10. The unit leader gives the Scout the applicant record.
  11. The unit reports completion of the merit badge.
  12. The Scout receives the merit badge.

For more information on merit badge counselors, contact your local council or district.

Reference: BSA Guide to Advancement, The Merit Badge Program

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Scouting Adventures