Our friends from the Quivira Council wanted us to share the following information regarding Scouting activities at this year’s Kansas State Fair.
Did you know that Scouts can enter exhibits at the Kansas State Fair? Scouts BSA exhibits and demonstrations will be housed in the Oz Building from September 9-18, 2022 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, KS. This is an amazing opportunity to showcase our Scouts and our programs! There are lots of things Scouts can be doing NOW to get ready for the State Fair. How can you join the Quivira Council at the 2022 Kansas State fair?
Scouts of all ages (and their leaders) are encouraged to enter exhibits into the Kansas State Fair. Registration opens online May 1st. Exhibits should be submitted by August 1st, 2022 to avoid a late fee! The comprehensive list of exhibit classes can be found here. Unit Leaders can assist by reminding scouts to keep projects that can be entered as an exhibit!
Scouting units can sign up to present a scouting demonstration at the State Fair. Participating Scouts will have FREE admission the day they present. Find out more here. Scouting units wanting to sign up will need to submit their form no later than August 1st. Units will be notified of the schedule by August 15th.
Parents and Adult Volunteers can sign up to volunteer at the Scouting Exhibits. Volunteers are responsible for monitoring the exhibits and receive FREE admission on their volunteer days. Volunteers can sign up here! Eagle Scouts from 2021-2022 are encouraged to submit a 5×7 photo of themselves along with a short paragraph describing what Scouting has done for them.