The Citizenship in Society merit badge has officially joined the over 100 merit badges Scouts can earn. Here is what you need to know!
- This merit badge has 11 requirements that will include scenarios and definitions along with topics like Ethical Decision Making, Addressing Stereotypes, and Impacting Others.
- This merit badge will be a completely new format.
- November 1, 2021 as an elective merit badge to begin with meaning it will not be Eagle required at this time.
- On July 1, 2022, it will become Eagle required. Currently, Scouts have to earn 21 merit badges with 13 from the list of required merit badges. After July 1, the requirement will be to earn 21 merit badges with 14 from the list of required merit badges. The number of merit badges needed will not change; just the number needed from the required list.
- Any Life Scout that does not complete their Eagle Board of Review by July 1, 2022 will have to earn Citizenship in Society. This is important to share as your Scouts get close to the July 1, 2022 date. It is not just getting the paperwork turned into the office (like the 18th Birthday deadline) but the Board of Review needs to be completed prior to July 1.
- No Merit Badge Handbook Citizenship in Society Scout Requirements
- Rather than prescriptive based, it will be conversational based
- Designed for each Scout to take their own unique journey towards completion of the merit badge
The Merit Badge Counselor process for this merit badge will be different from other merit badges. Rather than the counselor sharing their own expertise/skills/experiences, the intent of this merit badge is to focus on the Scout’s personal journey to understanding the concepts of the merit badge. Citizenship in Society Counselor Guidelines It is designed to be less influenced and more driven by the Scout readiness levels.
This Merit Badge Counselor training will be required to offer the Citizenship in Society merit badge in the Jayhawk Area Councils (Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Toolkit). Merit Badge Application will need to be summited to our council office for approval (Application).
It is NOT recommended to be a part of a council’s summer camp merit badge schedule as it is more appropriate to take place in the Scout’s local environment and not camp.
The Jayhawk Area Council looks forward to this new merit badge rollout as we add Citizenship in Society to the family of Citizenship merit badges our Scouts can earn.
Citizenship in Society Introduction
Citizenship in Society Scout Requirements
Citizenship in Society Counselor Guidelines
Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Councilor Guide 2021
Nationals Press Releases Article